Changing Ecosystems

Predicting successional changes
FeatureStart of successionEnd of succession (climax community)
Type of species presentR-selected, small organisms that are fast growingK-selected, larger organisms that are slower growing
Biotic interactionsSimple interactions based on food chainsComplex interactions based on food webs
Abiotic interactionsBare ground, or poor quality soil, low nutrient levels. Unstable.Good quality soil and high levels of nutrients. Stable.

r-strategists typically live in unstable, unpredictable environments where the ability to reproduce rapidly (exponentially) is important. 

K-strategists occupy more stable environments. They are larger in size and have longer life expectancies. They are stronger or are better protected and generally are more energy efficient. 

​In general, communities in early succession will be dominated by fast-growing, well-dispersed species (pioneer/r-selected life-histories).

As succession proceeds, these species will tend to be replaced by more competitive (k-selected) species. They tend to inhabit relatively stable biological communities, such as late-successional or climax forests.